Ontario Association of Councils on Aging (OACA)
The Ontario Association of Councils on Aging (OACA) was established to formally connect the various Councils on Aging located in small and large communities in the Province of Ontario. All of the Councils are dedicated to education, advocacy, research and planning directed towards the development and support of “age-friendly” communities. The OACA provides opportunity for sharing knowledge and experience and collaborating on a provincial level to build best practices.
The OACA was incorporated in January 2018
It grew out of a more informal Councils on Aging Network of Ontario (CANO) that had been in existence since the mid-1990’s. The OACA, in common with its member organizations, will strive to:
• achieve the VISION of an age-friendly Ontario
• carry out the MISSION of providing leadership, provincially, to enhance quality of life as people age with a focus on the interests, strengths and needs of older adults
• practice its CORE VALUES of Integrity, Inclusivity, Collaboration, Responsiveness, and Excellence